Presentation 2: Recognizing and Providing Early Treatment of PANDAS/PANS

The presentation provides an overview of early recognition and treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS). Key points include:

  • PANDAS and PANS are characterized by the sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder, tics, and other neuropsychiatric symptoms following a streptococcal infection. They are believed to involve autoimmune processes targeting the basal ganglia.
  • Diagnostic criteria and treatment approaches were discussed, including the importance of identifying and treating underlying infections, managing inflammation, and providing psychiatric and psychological interventions.
  • Emerging research indicates that PANDAS and PANS may be part of a broader spectrum of autoimmune encephalitis conditions, with evidence of immune dysregulation, blood-brain barrier disruption, and other neuroinflammatory processes.
  • Early recognition and multidisciplinary management are critical to improving outcomes for these patients, who often experience severe psychiatric and physical symptoms as well as cognitive and functional impairments.